Bindi's Story
Bindi is one of many dogs we are currently helping, but she is also one of the more severe cases we have come across.
Her owner wanted us to share his story to help other owners in a similar situation.
Bindi went through a 6 month ordeal of vet visits. Her diet was changed up to a dozen times from vet prescribed food to pet shop super premium food as well as cortisone and steroid injections, and to top it off hormone tablets. Her situation just got worse. Until her owner came across a MfM brochure and contacted us to see if we could help.
Now after 6 weeks on a MfM diet, Bindi is coming along beautifully and has a new lease of life…
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Understanding different food options for your pets
Author: Best for Pets Date Posted: 7 November 2020
A short guide to different feeding options for your pet Like humans there is becoming a huge amount of information on views on how to feed you puppy. I hear this so often that the “breeder” recommended this or the "Vet" recommend that. It is not to say they are wrong but there are so many factors to take into consideration. The important thing is to understand that building good gut health does not come from one source and a diet with variety will help build good health for the life of the puppy through to adulthood So lets explore a few options in feeding your pet Biologically App...
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Understanding dry food labels
Author: Bill Wiadrowski
Lets see what the experts say on dry food When you're looking at the ingredient label on dog food, how can you tell if it's quality nutrition? What should I be looking for? Producing a label for pet food is something of an artform. Obviously, the seller is attempting to enhance the positive aspects of the food and the perceived point of difference, whilst down-playing or ignoring the negatives. Attempting to unravel the mystery of what is actually in the bag can be quite difficult, but there are a few tel...
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Key steps to building a healthy future for your puppy
Author: Best for Pets Date Posted: 7 November 2020
Key steps to building a healthy future for your puppy We know that your puppy's health is your priority. Giving your puppy the right care and attention early on will help to ensure they live a long and healthy life. The first few months play a crucial role in your puppy’s long-term growth, development and health. Aside from ...
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Hemp Seed Oil The NEW Super Food for your Pets
Author: Best For Pets
Why is everyone getting excited about Hemp Seed Oil for their Pets? Until recently Hemp Seed Oil was hardly heard of – now it is everywhere. And with good reason; we have barely scratched the surface of how the therapeutic benefits of Hemp Seed Oil, but the results are certainly proving to be a winner for your pet. It may not solve all your problems, but it is an affordable option for many when comparing some of the expensive treatments that are getting recommended. Certainly, value for money and like most things it can take a few weeks to start see...
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Dealing with Allergies
Author: Best for Pets Date Posted: 5 May 2020
Improving your Dogs Health So many discussions around remedies for dogs with allergies is extremely confusing for many dog owners. It can be really disheartening trying to solve your dog’s allergies. Whether your dog’s allergies appear in the form of itchy skin, ears or feet, or digestive problems like chronic diarrhea, allergy symptoms can make life miserable for both your dog and you. An allergy is a state of over-reactivity or hypersensitivity of the immune system to a particular substance called an allergen . Most allergens are proteins from plants, insects, animals, or foods. Examp...
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DCM - Dilated Cardiomyothpy some things you need to know
Author: Best for Pets Date Posted: 12 July 2019
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) With so much news an around DCM and what you feed your dogs lets have a look at what we know. First of all there have been approx 560 cases in USA diagnosed since 2014. 7 cases were reported between 2014 and 2017 and was not until the the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) in the USA was made aware by a group of veterinary cardiologist in the North West there was some concerns based on the following two factors: 1) not known breeds were being diagnosed DCM 2) most had been eating grain-free diets prior to diagnosis The FDA released its ...
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Keeping your dogs weight healthy through the winter months
Author: Best for Pets Date Posted: 26 May 2019
Keeping your dog health y through the winter months When it comes to the seasons changing, we all know that humans tend to pack on a little extra weight over the winter months. A lack of exercise and the ability to go outdoors makes it easy for us humans to get off track. But when it comes to dogs, their bodies are actually programmed to help them survive in cooler conditions. A lot of this is instinct, and we can’t do much about it. The one thing you can do is to adjust your dog’s diet. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why your dog’s diet may need to change this winter season How Does Colder Temperatures Affect Wei...
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Some facts about dry food
Author: Lisa Caines Date Posted: 16 September 2018
Buying premium dry food does matter Your dog depends completely on you for health and happiness, so it is important that you understand your dog's dietary requirements. As a good dog owner, you will have to consider what type of dog food is the best option for your furry companion. Dry dog food provides a very cost-effective way to provide your dog with all the nutrients and vitamins needed for its good health and long life. Although many dog owners have moved away f...
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Find out the truth about Tuff Rock K9 Joint Formula
Author: Lisa Caines
What is the truth about Tuff Rock K9 Joint Formula? It works and works well, having bought and sold many products for dogs who have soreness of various descriptions over the years I can not go past this product. I have had customers where senior dogs who were struggling with getting up, middle aged dogs who showed signs of soreness after certain activities and young dogs in their prime all show significant long term improvement after using Tuff Rock K9 JF. What is even better is that it is holistic product with no hidden nasties in it so it cant be a bad...
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Choosing the right treats for your dog
Surely there is no such person as a dog owner who never gives his or her dog a treat. We all like to see our dog’s tail wag, and his face light up with attentive anticipation, right? But how do you know that the treats you give him are healthy? It’s actually pretty simple. As with every food you buy (for yourself or your dog), it’s all about the ingredients. If you do not already read the label of every food item you consider buying, get in the habit! Most of the information you need to know in order to determine the product’s quality is legally required to appear on the label. Things to look for Australian Made – t...
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Three reasons your dog might be missing something in their diet
3 signs that your dog might be missing out on something in their diet Eating a lot of dirt or grass, dogs when missing something they will generally crave for it and as they do not have the opportunity to be selective in supplements to support any deficiencies, they will then look for these nutrients from either dirt or grass. Coat condition becoming dull even though they may be on a balanced diet can be a good indicator that there is still something missing from their diet. Their coat is a reflection from the inside out and how everything is travelling so any changes in coat condition should be investigated If you feel your dog is a bit lethargic f...
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Feeding Raw Bones for Cats and Dogs
Author: Dr Bruce Syme
Feeding Raw Bones to Dogs and Cats Background Eating raw bones is as completely natural as eating fresh meat for dogs and cats. They come hand in hand, in the wild. Both dogs and cats are natural hunters, cats always eating their food fresh, and dogs happy to eat fresh, or decaying. Either way, catching and eating prey has always involved the consumption of bones. Feeding bones to domestic dogs has been a time honoured tradition, and is still practiced by knowledgeable dog breeders and pet owners. The feeding of bones to cats has had less emphasis in the past, as...
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Bindi's Story
Author: Meals for Mutts
Bindi is one of many dogs we are currently helping, but she is also one of the more severe cases w...
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11 October 2016You have more useful info than the British had colonies pr-IeWWI.